Recap of 2021
Well, 2021 is over. And I don’t know how It went so fast and we are already at the of it. Looking back to my blog, updating the design and and putting goals for writing more were pretty optimistic. I’ve only written 3 blog posts in the whole year. There are couple of factors in play that I figured out eventually as we move close to the end of 2021.
I really overestimated what I can do in short period amount of time. Thing is, planning is easy. If you start to plan and after some tipping point, you are just planning for the sake of it, and nothing comes out of the pipeline. There is another term for that, a very well known and lately quite populer one, procrastination. I’ve been procrastinating about my writing a lot this year. As I’ve mentioned before, there are some factors that affected this situation as well but diving deep into those in this blog post will make this unbearingly awkward chunk of writing even more awkward. So I’ll pass on that.
Nonetheless, there are some good things happened this year as well. As the pandemic continues to consume remaining greek alphabet, I picked up reading and finally it got stuck. I’ve successfully developed a healthy habbit I’ve always wanted to have but didn’t reserve enough time to.
For me, the solution was sticking to strictly nonfiction. My mind does not seem to enjoy reading fiction at the moment so I am finding interesting books that will catch my interest. I’ve read total of 21 books this year which is not bad. Not bad at all. In the new year, I will try to beat this number and be more intentional about what I read. Wanting to write blog posts about the books I’m reading is pretty rich (roasting past me) considering that I’ve only written 3 this year. That is also one of the things I learned. Things will work much better if you focus on one particular thing. Faning out your attention and energy most of the time results in diminishing returns in all the areas you want something get done.
There are lots of things happened in my personal life as well but this blog is not the place for it so I am skipping all the details in that area. For 2022 I am hopeful. All my previous goals are still valid this year. Only they are more concise. Continue to grow, continue to learn, continue to share. And since the post from last year contains a gif to emphasize my point. Here is a complementary gif that summarizes my 2022 goals.
Onwards and upwards.